Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
If your child is being dropped-off at school in the morning, they must arrive no later than 7:40 a.m.. When dropping off your child, simply pull up to the main entrance and drive to the end of the yellow curb. Once your child is out of the car, you will pull forward, turn left and exit through the front parking lot. Due to bus drop-off, cars are NOT permitted to drive behind the building. You may drop off your child as early as 7:30AM. If your child needs extra time to unload from the car and/or if a parent needs to get out of the car, please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk to walk to the main entrance.
To pick up your child at the end of the day, you can pull into the parking lot at the front of the school building. Your child will exit the front of the building and meet you at your car. There is no need to sign your child out when picking them up at regular dismissal time. Due to the number of buses and vans picking up students, you will not be able to pull up to the curb. You must park in the parking lot. Dismissal is from 2:40 - 2:46 p.m.