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Our Superintendent's November update.
Good day, Panther Nation! I trust this messaged finds you well…and ready for our first prolonged break of the school year.
It has been a busy yet productive fall for us as we have spent a considerable amount of time planning and preparing for what education will look like at CYSD over the next few years.
Every three years, school districts across the Commonwealth are required to submit to the state a Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan outlines goals and action items to improve the district's teaching, learning, and leadership. The plan also ensures that students are achieving at high levels.
Additionally, we also have created a Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is borne from the Comprehensive Plan; however, it contains action steps, goals, and developed metrics in alignment with the Comprehensive Plan*.
Developing these two documents is critical work. Yet, as I reflected on my message this month, I came across a story I believe captures the essence of what we are striving for.
The Russian short story Misery depicts a ‘cab driver’ in the mid-1800s. The driver has recently lost his son. As he meets and greets each passenger on his cab ride, he desires to share with them the grief and heartache he is experiencing. Sadly, no one pays him any attention. Ultimately, he ends up sharing his broken heart with his horse.
How does this short story apply to the work we do here?
Every one of our 5,800 students longs to be seen, heard, and loved. If we can create conditions within our 7 buildings where we can achieve this, the foundation will be established to accomplish the academic gains we are striving for.
Caring for our 5,800 kids is the bedrock of what we do. Every day, this is the most quintessential thing we do.
I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving. I am here if you need anything.
Always, Proud…and Thankful to be a Panther. Take care – pja
Peter J. Aiken Ed.D.
Central York School District
- Community Address
- Dr. Aiken